Who are I?

If anyone here can figure it out, let me know. Otherwise, I'll chalk it up to being dropped on my head as a baby.


Guess what I am doing in the rest of the picture

Pretty Molly

Pretty Molly
Look how beautiful I am


Dude, Totally My Hero.

As the severely anemic cat's blood pressure and heart rate dropped, he went into the "death stretch", which many animals do right before they stop breathing. They stretch their necks up and back and their front legs are spread open and extended. Just then, Beignet's blood started to fill the cat's veins with oxygen. The cat responded, got better, and went home the next day. Sweet!

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I peed on the pier!

Office Dakota

Office Dakota
The report was due yesterday

Me and Leah

Me and Leah

WWF Shakedown

WWF Shakedown
Down for the count

Minute Maid Park

Minute Maid Park
Go Cubs!