Who are I?

If anyone here can figure it out, let me know. Otherwise, I'll chalk it up to being dropped on my head as a baby.


Guess what I am doing in the rest of the picture

Pretty Molly

Pretty Molly
Look how beautiful I am


Look, my ex-boyfriend is a tattoo artist :)

Today I went to my ex's tattoo parlor. A few months back he found me on My Space, and we began talking. I asked him if he'd design a tattoo for me. Initially I wanted something with a cat/veterinarian theme, so he drew me a gray cat with one of those reflecting scopes on his head. He looked too angry, however, and I decided it was a little too hardcore to be permanently posted on my right shoulder. It's my fault because I asked him not to design me a wussy tattoo.

His parlor is located in Hazel Green, Wisconsin. This is the case because in our hometown of Dubuque, tattoo parlors are illegal unless a doctor is on staff monitoring the evil deeds of the artists. What doctor wants to spend his/her career sitting in a tattoo parlor? None, and Dubuque knows it. It's their way of keeping parlors out of the city, which is 80% Roman Catholic.

I talked my mother into going with me. She wanted to make sure I wouldn't start crying while Toby (my ex) dug his sterile needles into my arm. You see, my first tattoo hurt like hell and I swore I would never get another tattoo in my life (I have three now). I got my first tattoo in Seabrook, TX while listening to Korn and watching "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Well, it felt like a chainsaw massacre.

I sat in Toby's chair back in his little area near the rear of the building. He told me a story about his stalker (some strange college student with a lazy eye), who came in requesting an eyeball tattoo on her calf. Not kidding. He said he did everything not to laugh at her as he worked on her tattoo, and thought about drawing a lazy eye on her calf.

Toby's area consisted of a chair, tattooing equipment, and many personal items. He had the old-school alphabet magnets stuck to the side of a mini-fridge used to store some of his supplies. They spelled out "REDRUM". Sweet. I also noticed the Slipknot curtain, a WWF championship belt, two pairs of brass knuckles, and other various weaponry and other illegal items (well in Texas anyway). Oh yeah, Toby had thick black eyeliner on, black painted fingernails, a face piercing and a ton of tattoos. Perfect. He's got four kids (all boys) and a wife, and seems to love his job and his kids.

My tattoo took about 30 minutes to complete. It looked great and I was very pleased. My mother had such a good time. I tried talking her into a naked chick straddling a wrench, but she chickened out.


Dude, Totally My Hero.

As the severely anemic cat's blood pressure and heart rate dropped, he went into the "death stretch", which many animals do right before they stop breathing. They stretch their necks up and back and their front legs are spread open and extended. Just then, Beignet's blood started to fill the cat's veins with oxygen. The cat responded, got better, and went home the next day. Sweet!


Meet Mayor James Valley of Helena-West Helena.

Mayor Orders Dogs Released Into Forest
Reported by: Betsey Martin, KARK 4-News
Friday, Jun 13, 2008 @03:00pm CST

You've heard it before.....Arkansas animal shelters struggling to take care of unwanted dogs and cats. One mayor has decided the best way to fix the problem in his town is to set the animals free.
KARK visited the Helena-West Helena animal shelter back in January. Conditions were dirty and animals were in poor health.
Thursday, KARK learned the town's mayor James Valley has taken the unconventional approach of releasing the animals into the wild.
In a press release, the mayor says "we fed and watered them and took them to the St. Francis National Forest."

We're told about ten dogs, including several pit bulls were set free and that some of the dogs were sick.

Here is Wednesday's news release from Mayor Valley:

Ladies and Gentlemen:
This morning we began the process of dealing with our animal shelter problem. I have met, today, with Ms. Gloria Higginbotham. She is heading up a committee to create a county-wide animal shelter and perhaps with the participation of all governmental units, we can provide the kind of facility that will be deemed appropriate.
In the mean time, we are or have released all but a few our those animals heretofore housed at the sanitation shop. We fed and watered them and took them to the St. Francis National Forest and released them to freedom. We are disassembling the pens or fences and will not any longer house or keep any of these animals. This problem is dogging us and taking away from our ability to focus on the greater good for the community as a whole. One of our animal control officers has been to the hospital three times in as many months. Twice for bites and once for a severally sprain ankle growing out of incidents with these animals.
When Ms. Higginbotham's full plan is revealed, I plan to support it and assist her and the group in caring for our animals.
I just wanted to let you know.
James F. Valley

R.I.P. Tim Russert


I peed on the pier!

Office Dakota

Office Dakota
The report was due yesterday

Me and Leah

Me and Leah

WWF Shakedown

WWF Shakedown
Down for the count

Minute Maid Park

Minute Maid Park
Go Cubs!